Monday, December 12, 2005


Last week the crew was in Las Vegas for Power-Gen. There were tons of people and exhibitors there. Unfortunately, we found that most of the decision makers were not there, so it wasn't as productive as we'd hoped for. But we did get lots of contacts that we are following up on this week

Jeff Jensen
The Contractor Qualification Expert

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The value of PICS

Pacific Industrial Contractor Screening (PICS) has 2 main benefits:

The first involves OSHA. As I explained earlier, there are several things that OSHA could cite you for - insufficent training, lack of documentation, unsafe work environment, etc. The caveat is that you are also potentially liable for your contractors' actions and performance. If you don't take sufficient measures to verify the OSHA compliance of contractors working at your sites, you could be cited and fined too.

PICS helps filter those contractors out through our thorough reports and safety audits. We are well versed in the current regulatory environment, and have developed an expertise in identifying and evaluating potential non-compliance issues. We first collect extensive prequalification information, such as work history, references, past citations, financial ratings, OSHA logs, etc. Our online database automatically flags potential risks. We then send an auditor onsite to review manuals and programs, and most importantly, to VERIFY IMPLEMENTATION. A program or manual is of no value if all it does is sit on a shelf and collect dust. By going on site and seeing operations and documentation, something none of our competitors currently do, we ensure that you are not just relying on the contractor's statement that they are compliant.

This leads to the second main benefit of the PICS service - we reduce potential hazards and help enforce safe working conditions for your employees and contractors. Aside from government penalties, PICS helps reduce injuries, and all the negative consequences it entails - lost worker productivity, litigation by the injured, higher insurance and bonding rates, and reduced employee morale. If by using the PICS service you eliminate even one injury or fatality, the cost of the service has paid for itself many times over. Every year, 6,000 American workers are killed in on-the-job accidents. Our goal is to ensure that workers can go to work every day with no doubt about the safety of their work environment. And that's what really drives us at PICS.

Jeff Jensen
The Contractor Qualification Expert