I am the CIO for a company that assists hiring companies evaluate and screen their contractors. Pacific Industrial Contractor Screening (PICS) provides companies with the information they need to hire safe contractors that are compliant with government safety regulations, (ie OSHA. MSHA, CAL-OSHA, etc.) By outsourcing to contractors, large companies can focus on their core competencies and have a more robust work force. At the same time, they are exposing themselves to a huge risk by using companies whose safety programs and the implementation of those programs may not be up to internal standards. Some of the information that would be of value in evaluating potential contractors includes:
- Company Experience
o previous work
o years in business
o geographic territory
o previous customers - Company Organization
o Structure
o management processes
o operational procedures
o hiring and training programs
o turnover - Quality
- Safety
- Senior Management
o Experience
o Tenure with firm
o Division of responsibilities - Current Projects/Backlog
o Number, size, and location of projects
o Percent of capacity being utilized
o Status and expected completion - Financial Strength
How does PICS get all of this information on contractors? Do the contractors know you have and share this information about them?
Yes, these are all in the terms of our contract. The conractors are able to log in to our website and enter all the information themselves. Then we verify it independently and through an onsite audit. This is all information that they would have to provide to a facility before working there. Of course, this is very sensitive data and our contractors are able to limit those that have access to it
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